CNN Newsroom : CNNW : May 26, 2024 3:00pm-4:00pm PDT : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive (2024)

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you are in the cnn newsroom. >> hi everyone. i'm jessica dean and washington. and at this hour we are closely following breaking news and violent storms that are threatening nearly 110 million americans tornadoes have killed at least 15 people, including two young children. north of dallas. >> you're looking at aerial shots of the devastating damage in that community and more areas are bracing for hail and powerful winds. >> this moral day weekend take a look now at the radar. you can see the areas that are under these threats for possibly dangerous weather tonight we have cnn's ed lavandera and valley view, texas with the latest

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developments on the ground. first though, let's go to cnn meteorologists, elisa rafah, whose joining us from the weather center and alisa, you're saying that tonight and today, we have more threats than even yesterday yes. >> we have another particularly dangerous situation, tornado watch that's in effect for parts of missouri, illinois tennessee, arkansas there. and then we also have this line of storms that has been bringing some damaging winds. old de, from cleveland down to our most charlotte as we go through the afternoon. so let's take a look at some of these watches. this one is they're all concerning, right? but this is when we really have our eyeballs on because look at these discrete sounds that are firing up. this is where you can get damaging winds and you have rotating cells. this is where you can get some violent tornado as possible from the springfield area and it's moving east into the boot heel of missouri and nasty line of storms about to get into st. louis. >> this part right here is a particularly dangerous situation, tornado watch that's an effect until 11:00

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central time and includes st. >> louis carbondale poplar, both. and even jefferson city in missouri. this is where we can find not only the possibility of tornadoes, but strong tornadoes are possible were talking ef2 or greater, they could be violent, they can be long track, they can be intense. so we want to please keep your eyes on this area. but like i said, a ton of tornado i'm sorry, severe thunderstorm warnings where these storms have been bringing some damaging winds, intense hail. and again, they can rotate. >> this also has had some intense winds with a two 60 to 70 mile per hour winds just east of charleston, making it down to the state line, almost to winston-salem in north carolina, asheville, with some severe for thunderstorm warnings as well. >> so this is the latest risk that has just recently increased to that moderate risk, that level four out of five, they are in the red. that's where we can find the intense tornadoes if you're in the red or the orange, you really want to keep that in mind a golf ball-sized hail

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also possible and winds up to 75 miles per hour there's at risk, again, ef2 or stronger, the strong violent, intense tornadoes possible, then as we go through the day tomorrow, the risk starts to shift to the east coast, look at it up and down the i9 decor in 95 corridor from dc down through richmond, charlotte, columbia, and then into atlanta. this is where we could find the risks for damaging winds and large hail as the line continues to progress eastward so here's a look at where some of these nasty storms could continue as we go into the overnight hours, you can see those cells just how violent they could be. then we'll find that wine kind of concealing and when it organized into a wine like that, that's where you get the risk of damage jim wynn's that's possible as we go into the night, we'll start out with some storms in atlanta in the morning, and then with the daytime heat and humidity, we could find some of these storms firing up. again. this is all coming in. what's been a crazy, incredibly active, severe weather season. just

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since yesterday, we've had more than 900 sure. didn't 60 reports since january 1st here in the us average to date would have been about 700. so it's been very active in that continues tonight and tomorrow. jessica the latest for us on what's to come. thank you so much. and texas governor greg abbott is discussing the storm damage. there in texas where we know at least two children died as a result. let's listen in for a moment. >> outstanding self law enforcement has stepped up and helped out local, state and federal officials have all been a part of this solution process. but in typical texas fashion, we have friends and neighbors in fellow texans just helping out one another. and that's what we have come to see time and again in our state. >> it's one thing that makes texas so exceptional. >> and that's the character of our fellow texans who will drop

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everything to help out their fellow residents it's a reminder that our lives do not measured by the adversity that we face instead, they're measured by how we respond to that adversity. texans are responding whether typical care, love, and generosity that we have for one another we know that it's not only this region that we're in right now. that's been devastated by destructive storms. there's happened all across the state before today, and you're listening to governor greg abbott. they're invalid. you texas where they had deadly tornadoes overnight. we're going to continue to monitor that news conference and bring you any additional information that we need to pass along. in the meantime, the stage is set for an important week for former president donald trump. closing arguments are due to begin he's criminal hush money trial on tuesday. it could go

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to the jury later this week. that's after six weeks of testimony that included adult film star stormy daniels and longtime trump's longtime friend turned enemy, michael cohen, joining us now is former trump attorney jim trusty and former federal prosecutor. shan will great to have both both of you here on this sunday afternoon as we head into this very important week for this trial gym, just to you first, if you're standing before the jury, give us that best argument as to why the former president should be acquitted here? >> well, i think the defense is going to go heavy on michael cohen's credibility. i mean, that is a fertile ground for attack and i think the whole strategy all the way through the trial was make this about cohen emphasized that cohen is the only person that has testimony that relates to the intent that is needed to felon eyes. these misdemeanor cases, misdemeanor your charges. >> so i think they'll go heavy, maybe a top ten reasons for acquittal type of approach something that just emphasizes that cohen literally gives you everything to cross-examined

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on. >> you could ask for bias, interests inconsistent statements, thievery. i mean, it's all there, so go heavy on that the entire time. >> and can i want to ask you from the prosecutor's perspective, how do you guard against that? and really close your case because the prosecution will have the last word, right? that's how this typically works. yes i think what you do is you don't be defensive about michael cohen. >> i mean, i'd say it's the jury. michael cohen is just one part of the evidence here. he's important, but she's just one important part. >> and you ladies and gentlemen, if you find yourself not liking michael cohen, i'd walk over to trump and point them think about who hired him okay. well, we could see something like that. >> jim, you've worked for the former president as an attorney so you have a bit of insight into how he kinda metabolizes these sorts of things. and this sort of information. do you get the sense that he and his team are prepared for the possibility of a guilty verdict here yeah, i think so because

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it's a manhattan jury pool. i mean, the reality is that the numbers don't favor them. only taking three days and three-and-a-half days to pick a jury on something this high profile is very worrisome, even having a couple of attorneys on the jury could kinda cut wildly in either direction. so i think there's probably a feeling of oh, fatalism, but not of surrender. i mean, again, you can their stuff to attack in terms of whether the entries or even false when it says legal services rendered. but beyond that, to go into cohen as the star witness is just you can make a lot of arguments that if you wouldn't buy a used car from this guy, you can't base a criminal verdict on him. and the government is going to do a chain instead, the government is going to distance themselves are going to say look at all this corroboration. we have maybe they'll use the old speech. >> there's no swans and the gutter. and going back about 30 years when i was a prosecutor. but they'll they'll know distance themselves and act like there's a lot of corroboration, all that really for the intent. i'm not sure there is yeah. >> and then just what about if there is indeed a hung jury? i know that's really rare. we keep talking about it. it's a

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very rare occurrence. typically a jury and the judge wants them to get to some sort of verdict, either guilty or not guilty. do you think that could be played as a victory for trump? >> it looked a hung jury in manhattan is a huge win. that's probably like the high-end of your expectations, right now. is that a couple of jurors just say, look, i'm not signing up for this inventive prosecution based on michael cohen's credibility and the odds of a retrial. i mean, normally frankly i was a prosecutor for 27 years. i had a number of juries or hang usually the retrial if you chose to do that one pretty well, you saw the defense cards in the first trial, you tanker you adjusted you tried to get a sense of what the jury liked or didn't like about your case and a lot of times you'd win on the retrial. i think the pressure to walk away from this thing would be pretty great after a hung jury. so i think it would be maybe the equivalent of an equivalent yeah and shin just going back to something that jim was just talking about and just how the defense will continue to attack

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the credibility of michael cohen. do you think that the prosecution has done a solid enough job both it was standing him up as much as they can, but also spreading it out. i know we talked in the last several weeks. we've been on together and you've talked about how they were trying to also have corroborating information with the host of other people who were testifying. >> yeah. they've done a very good job of corroborating him, making him just one important part of a lot of important part let's and most of all, michael cohen did a great job for himself. he was a stand-up witness he came across very calm those the big question was might they get under his skin and he becomes very volatile. he was very calm and he was stood the cross-examination very well. so i think at the end of the day, the jury is going to think about all the evidence in the case. they're going to look at cohen and say to themselves, well he may have done dishonest things. maybe did them in service of trump, but on what we're hearing, there's corroboration for these sayings. we find incredible. >> it is so interesting to learn that with these jury

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instructions that go on for pages and pages and pages that they argue days over, right the new york they don't get a hard copy that goes back with them. >> they it's kind of committed to memory, then they can come out and ask follow-up questions. how might that play into all of this? >> no, i can make it hard and that's such an interesting point that you bring up. it's not just the jury instructions. we have the benefit of looking at transcripts, the end of the day. we talked about everyone's thinking about it as the trial goes on, they'll to have that benefit. they're not supposed to deliberate until the end of the trial. so they have to recall based on their recall of these different important parts of the testimony that's why they may ask for some pieces of evidence, but it's the first time they get a chance to interact with each other and to sort of brainstorm about their impression that trial, they don't have the benefit we've had yeah. jim, what about you as somebody who's been was a former prosecutor, has his participated in a lot of these types of trials in terms of the jury being able to absorb those instructions. and also, it's worth noting that in this case, trying to prove that these are

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was felonies were committed in with these certain laws that that also is a high the bar that they're going to have to grapple with well, yeah, except if the instructions basically allow them to consider a federal election law, which it appears they're gonna do, then the jury's can probably get through this and say, okay, well, there was at least some effect or some concern about politics that steered this thing. >> and they may get there. and frankly not having the written instructions to me means it's even more and more likely that they're going to heavily defer to the two lawyers. and again, his lawyers might not have any criminal cases. they may do all civil and regulatory is my impression from the jury selection. but i think it's kind of a natural deference to them. it's going to kick in when they get to these thorny legal questions. and most likely that's bad for president trump, although you could also say that the defense attorneys that do similar work are not used to having to deal with the standard of beyond a reasonable doubt. so they could be the ones that say, wait, mad. we at least have reasonable doubt when we're

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talking about the star witness, michael cohen. >> yeah, that's very and until it's all over them. right? >> eventually we'll get some sort of readout from them, right? they'll render something. all right, jim, and can thank you so much for agency. both of you appreciate it were still falling breaking news out of gaza tonight where the health ministry there says at least 35 people were killed in new israeli airstrikes today outside rafah. >> you're in the cnn newsroom when the jinx came out, i thought, oh my god, what do you do when your best friend shows your other? best friend trial that jinx part to streaming exclusively on macs. can the riva support your brain health? >> married janet, hey eddie know, fraser, franck, franck, bred. how are you fred, fuel up to seven brain health indicators putting your memory joined the neretva brain health challenge. these underwear are period proof and sneeze proof

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and this is cnn because i'm breaking news. >> the israeli military just saying it killed two senior hamas officials in a strike in rafah earlier today, the gaza ministry of health had announced 35 people were killed in that strike in gaza officials. so that it hit a camp of displaced people. cnn's paula hanco*cks has been following this story. polo, this brand new information about the two senior hamas leaders. what more are we learning about this latest strike? >> jessica. so this was a strike in rafah in the northwestern part of refers, not in one of the areas that had been told to evacuate by the israeli military. and we understand from the gaza government media office that more than 35 people have been killed at this point. many others injured and they say that this was an area that was designated a safe zone, that this is an area that the

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israeli military had told people to move from other areas where they were operating in two. so at this point, we do have but images obtained by cnn which show a fire within the camp itself. you see horrific images of bodies and injured being pulled from those burning tense and we understand from the gaza ministry of health as well that there is no hospital at this point which really has the capacity to deal with this number of dead and wounded and the sort of injuries that they have suffered. now, what we're hearing from the israeli sayyed is that there was an air strike in rafah itself. they say that they have killed at two senior hamas officials, one of them the commander of hamas leadership in the west bank they also say that they are aware of the reports of as they put it several civilians were harmed. and they say, quote, the incident is under review at this point, we do know that

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according to the ministry of health in gaza itself, they say many of those killed and injured in the camp itself were women and children. and this is a camp that really consisted of tenths of makeshift shelters for displaced people who had been moved. a number of times already during this war. and we also fear according to some palestinian officials that this death toll could rise. they say there is a number of hospitals in the area where they are being taken to. but the israeli military saying that they will put this incident are under review and we saw just earlier on sunday as well, the tomas had fired eight rockets towards israel and it's the first time since late january that they had actually targeted tel aviv we heard from the military at that point that this is why they were having to target rafah because hamas is operating there and they believe that a number of

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hostages are being held there as well. and they described what they call a precision operation, being underway in rafah. but of course those rocket attacks also do raise the question of the military strategy that israel is undertaking at this point, it's coming under more criticism, including from the biden administration, that there needs to be a political plan in place with this military strategy that well-over seven months after this war started, hamas is still able to launch these rockets. jessica. >> alright, paula hanco*cks with the latest reporting. thank you very much. and joining us to discuss this and other topics. seen a military analysts, lieutenant general mark hertling, general, great to see you on this sunday apologists outlined what we are seeing there in rafah, what both sides are saying it strikes me that this is kind at the heart of what we have seen play out the the tension here, which is israel and the idf saying, we got to senior hamas leaders and all of this and the gaza media

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office saying women and children and civilians who are displayed based were killed as a result of this that both sides, that's, that's what we've seen play out time and time again. what what are you what's standing out to you is we're getting more information about this a couple of months jessica, paula's comments and her reporting are very good. >> but i'll connect the dots a little bit for you because this is a very confusing thanks situation. in my report, i received updates from the idf on a daily basis when they released those and early this morning, i received a report saying that eight projectiles, which paula mentioned, were fired from the western rafah area of place where israel has not been conducting as much as operations as they have eastern rafah in fact, those 11 rockets are 8211 rockets, as they said, were fired from between two mosques structures and where some of the camps were. and they said they targeted those areas and struck down getting a couple of key figures within

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the hamas organization, but also i'm other terrorist activity. so again, as these reports are made, we've got to put the dots together and say both sides have their own story. when we're talking about information from the gaza ministry of health over remind everybody that is actually the hamas ministry of health. it's doing that reporting and they also said in their report that they are holding the biden administration responsible for these. so this falls right into the strategy that hamas uses to try and take these awpa kinds of strikes which seem is seen as, and our humanitarian strikes and disasters and blame them against israel so when they're the ones that are actually conducting hamas operations in these areas israel has said that this entire attack is under review but i'm sure there's a lot of dots to be connected versus the initial reports that were receiving and so more broadly, we know these talks are going to resume over a potential

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ceasefire and hostage and hostage deal later this upcoming week help connect the dots there. >> how does this sort of activity start to play into that as well? and also, paula talked about the rockets that were fired into tel aviv for the first time in months, no one was injured, but but that's worth noting too yeah, it is. >> and there were also attacks from southern lebanon this morning 15 rockets coming out of there. it seems like that every time the various parties get closer to a hostage deal, that there are indicators that hamas we'll fire some rockets from the very area where israel is conducting operations and then blame israel for the response that allegedly kill a lot of people. and certainly there has been humanitarian disasters in this area. civilians had been hurt and kill. so it's just a back-and-forth which when you think you're getting close to a neil for the hostages hamas acts israel response. the

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deal's off and it just goes through that same cycle again, this is an awful situation. hamas is playing to their strategy israel is saying we've got to destroy this terrorist infrastructure even in the rafah area where some civilians are. and it's just horrible i do want to ask you before we let you go tomorrow is of course memorial day and for a lot of people out there, it's the start of summer. >> it's a day off and it is all of those things, but it's also memorial day and there's a reason for it. he wrote a very personal piece for the bork titled memorial day. make it matter. >> i just wanted to see if you tell us about your own annual ritual to mark this de and how you remember your fallen friends yeah i'm reaching for a box on my desk. >> i wasn't aware you were going to ask this then. this is the box. it says make it matter on the top and insight, if you can see that with the light, we can see. if i can show just kind of an indicator. i have

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153 cards with soldiers that i served with the gave the ultimate sacrifice and combat soldiers under my command or organization, i was in an on this memorial day, i watch i say in the article that i watched the movie saving private ryan. and from 40 or 80 years ago, when those d-day landings took place, which because the opening scene of that movie, i reflect back on those were the same kind of soldiers that i served with exactly the same, only the names are different, but the faces are the same and what they give up in terms of sacrificing for the united states and for the citizens are something that we should all remember what i do tomorrow on memorial day, i watched that movie again. think about the 253 cars with soldier spaces on it. that are in this box. and then at the end of the movie, go out toast the sunset with a glass of bourbon and go through that box and remember how those

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soldiers who died when they were anywhere from 22 24 would be 40 years old now, and they'd have a great life. and what kind of things did they miss? and it's on us to make it matter or as it says in the movies, saving private ryan to earn their sacrifice and to do good things in terms of serving the country and the democracy which were so found. fonda we are so grateful, so very grateful to them. lieutenant general mark hertling. thank you so much for sharing that we do appreciate it thank you, jessica. we'll be right back. >> in one of the most active 22 seasons. >> you can't control a tornado. what kinds of interventions? chen's can we design go inside the store. >> the premiere of violent earth with liev schreiber next sunday at nine on cnn it's not to bet on a subway series foot-long, except we add on all new foot-long zach kick. we're talking about $2 footlong, to

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dozen trump electors in four states are facing criminal charges for their plot to overturn the 2020 election. >> and now according to new reporting from the washington post, at least six of those same electors are hoping to return to their posts for this year's pivotal presidential election in michigan, the chairman of the state's republican party says three of the 16 electors indicted last year have been asked to be considered again at the state's gop convention this august, according to the post, the chairman says he has no problem with those indicted 2020 electors serving again joining me now, is michigan secretary of state jocelyn benson madam secretary. thanks so much for coming on. we really appreciate it. >> i think just kind of taking all that information in the first question is, is it really up to the state's republican party to allow these people to serve again, is there can the state step in at all? well, thanks for having me and yeah, the law does have something to say about this when there have been individuals who lied to the federal government claiming falsely to be the rightful

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electors of michigan when they were not trying to undermine the will of the people. the law would suggest that there needs to be accountability and that's exactly why these visuals have been charged. they were part of a nationally coordinated effort to try to undo and overturn the results of a legitimate and fair presidential election. so it really strikes me as the sort of disrespect, not just for the will of the people, but for the law of michigan that one would even consider suggesting individuals who've broken this time the law before should in any way be called upon to serve as electors in the future and of those 35 electors who are now all facing charges, all of them except for two who have yet to enter their plea, have pleaded not guilty and now we know that some of them are trying to return to those positions as we head into this 2024 election they clearly don't think they did anything wrong here. >> are you concerned they might try this again oh, certainly. >> we've been concerned since 2020 when we saw everything

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escalate up to the tragedy are us capitol on january 6, that this was the beginning, not the end of a multiyear effort to delegitimize democracy chrissy and really set it up for 2024 to create a scenario where yet again, if folks don't like the results of the election to try to overturn or block those results from coming to fruition and there's video footage of these electors committing fraud against our government outside the state capital of michigan, falsely claiming that they are the electors for the state of michigan. they weren't. and the law was very clear on who won the election and who the electors were. yet. now, they're trying again, which is a sign really for us for 2024, that every tactic that was tried in 2020 will likely be tried again in 2024. and we have be ready and we're ready not just to ensure the will of the people, whatever it may be, prevails, but also that the law is followed. >> so how do you do that right now, thankfully, our attorney

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general, as well as the attorney general's and arizona and other states are seeking accountability and trying to enforce the law for the violations that occurred in 2020 we hope that accountability will prevent or deter individuals, whether they be the same individuals or others from trying again. >> but we also should all know that the signal that any individuals who tried this before might try it again as the state republican chair in michigan is the signal he sending that we all have to be on guard and prepare for these tactics again, and to not be fooled by them, will continue to enforce the law and protect the will of the people in our state, no matter what that will is. but at the same time citizens need to be prepared to understand that these type of tactics to try to deter them from believing in democracy will be attempted again. and we all have to be smart enough to not i'll be fold and ensure that again, the will of the people prevails in our democracy we have seen over and over trump loyalists in congress here in dc repeat the former president's claim of

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fraud and cast doubt on the upcoming election again, without any evidence. i just want to play a clip of some of the things they've said. >> and then i want to get your take free and fair election. will you accept the results regardless of who wins? >> look, if the democrats win, i will accept the result, but i'm not going to ignore fraud. >> let's set will you commit to accepting the election results of 2024? bottom line? >> at the end of the day, the 47th president united states movie for instance, donald trump. yes or no, will you accept the election results of 2024, no matter who wins? >> that is my statement. >> four, what about 20:24? we will see if this is a legal and valid election will you accept the results of that election? my answer has been very clear on this. if the status yes or no questions, states and localities actually follow rules and procedures and everybody sees rules followed. then of course you accept what's done. >> will you accept the election results of 2024, no matter what

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happens, senator? >> no matter what happens, no, if it's an unfair election, i think it's going to be bad side, cetera, no matter i think you're asking the wrong person it's really become a very difficult question from members of congress who let us remind everyone there is no evidence that there was massive fraud or that the wrong person is sitting in the white house in 2020, you've, you've said that multiple times and explained it as we've been sitting here what i'm curious is we look to these electors in michigan that are trying again, after they'd been indicted. is this permission when they're looking to these elected officials, is this permission to act in this illegal way? yeah, it seems so. it's a stain on the integrity of these politicians to an anyway, suggest that fraud is rampant in our elections when there is no evidence to that extent what these individuals should be doing is simply saying, we're going to look at the evidence and the evidence suggests that in every past election section

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and there's every indication of future elections are elections will be an accurate reflection of the will of the people. and notably, our elections in not just in michigan but nationwide are more secure and transparent in 2024 than ever before in modern history. we've got paper trails and paper ballots. we've got id requirements in effect. we've got several layers of protections in place to ensure only valid voters can cast ballots and have them counted. so what i wish these politicians would instead say is the truth, which is that our elections are secure, the results are going to be accurate and we all should stand by them regardless of whether there are not we agree with the results the most transparent and the most secure that we've ever seen. >> all right. secretary vinson, thanks so much for your time. we appreciate it. >> thanks for having me bloody faces, food everywhere. >> this as another plane hit severe turbulence mid-flight the second time in less than a week we're also following a massive landslide that wiped

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out most of the village. what problems the rescuers are facing now, you're in the cnn newsroom the nba playoffs. >> i always get emotional you more concerned about what's going on inside the nba than what's going on inside a, huge, you know, doc, you're right. >> and that's all the time we have. >> thanks for watching. are you cutting to a commercial western conference finals presented by at&t? continue once you want thicker, stronger, fuller hair, you need experts, skincare, nu doves, scalp plus hair therapy, serum, active skincare ingredient radiants targets the source of beautiful hair, your scalp for visibly thicker stronger, fuller hair yeah. let me nice going. >> nothing like a little confidence boost to help ease you back into the dating scene that includes having a smile. you feel good about fortunately, aspen dental specializes in dentures and implants made just for you. and with flexible financing, you don't need to sacrifice quality work for price that fits your budget at $0 down plus 0% interest if paid in

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one calling it the worst 15 seconds i can save his life i am settle down now, but it was quite scary. >> the plane just seem to go stop, which it didn't, but then dropped quite as to be dropped and then fortunately, the captain got it under control quite quickly because i was thinking, oh, it's going to keep falling but unfortunately it was a couple of passengers that didn't have seat belts on they were thrown in front of itself, thrown out of their seats and hit their head for status. >> carrie, to be honest thing, i'm just showing right. they'd prefer to ten, 50 seconds and that was plus 15 seconds of my life. like by the god vs here. like the like, the food was everyone on the plane because it was for the taxi time and i have seen two people. there were like literally flying in the plane because it was so pressure in the plane and they were standing. so they were on the cover we had our we had our seat belts on just from watching the episode that happened last week was just it

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was there in your mind? it was so scary at the time. you just don't know as they are not like what? the staff were amazing like to actually get up. and have to look after us and they're going around to a bandages on their hands and bloodied faces like and they have to serve us as well now of course, this was just days after a singapore airlines flight to london hit severe turbulence, injuring more than 100 people and killing a man who had a heart condition staying overseas, nearly 700 people are feared dead after a massive land site landslide in northern papa, new guinea on friday, homes there are buried under debris and soil more than 1,000 people have been displaced in that situation remains dire as large rocks continue to fall, endangering those rescue efforts hollywood stars like scarlet johanson are the only ones we're worried about. >> ai copying their likeness my voice are saying these words

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that i did not agree to say. >> how a pair of voice actors are fighting back. you're in the cnn newsroom finally, earth with the lea primer premieres next sunday at nine on cnn. >> i want a lot of businesses, so my and my network need to keep up thank you. verizon business now, our businesses get fast and reliable internet from the same network that powers our phones. >> so whatever's next, we'll cooking with fire switch to the partner, businesses rely on many probiotics don't survive digestion that means whatever you're taking for your gut probably isn't getting where it needs to go. >> seeds. >> dso one daily symbiotic the tune one prebiotics and probiotics engineered to survive, bringing live bacteria all the way down to the colon. or to healthy digestive skin. >> heart and immune system gets started today with seeds ds1 daily symbiotic visit

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book an exam online today what's the greatest invention of all time? >> new hands-free sketcher slip ends. you just slip in and they're on. it's like they have an invisible built-in shoe horn. so your foot slides into place without bending down or touching your shoes, then he'll

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home today. >> now up to 50% off and i go when the jinx came out, i said, oh my god when both as a friend, he expects blind loyalty when you have a whole lot of money, people are willing to do things for you what do you do when your best friend kills your other best friend i trials. >> what are the through the jinx part to dreaming exclusively on max a pair of voice actors are suing after they say they heard ai versions of themselves, they said dal about why they allege their voices were stolen just ghost

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white. >> why we're in the twilight zone, they really only need 30 seconds of your voice to clone it. in a realistic way. >> it's really, really disturbing. >> this is paul and the nam. >> they're both voice actors who say they were hired in 2019 and 2020 by a client who wanted to use their voices for quote, academic research and tests for radio ads. >> they say they were told their voices would not be used for anything else. but years later, the couple made a shocking discovery while listening to a podcast. >> and it's talking about the potential dangers of ai and how the impact it might have on the entertainment industry. and the host is interviewing a ai entity. and that voice is my voice. and we had to pull the car over dead stop. >> so you knew immediately this is my voice, but these are not things that i've ever actually said. >> there wasn't a moment of doubt. >> quickly, the two actors discovered it wasn't just podcasts using what they say are ai versions of their voices introducing by levo artificial

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intelligence that makes it fast and easy to create voiceovers for marketing, de learning, documentaries, animations, games, audiobooks, and war. >> need to create high-quality voice over content but we just listened to what you say is the ai clone of your voice. >> what's your reaction to that? >> this, it's still infuriating not just because of the implications for my career, but because of the violation of me of my individuality, my likeness, my voice are saying these words that i did not agree to say. i gave no consent nor was there any proper compensation and i no longer have control. >> we you do your commercial voice for us for a second, just so that we can prepare, introducing jenny by lovo artificial intelligence that makes it fast and easy to create voiceovers from marketing, e-learning, document and erase animations, games, audio books, and more. >> can we pull up the linea one to does your child had difficulty reading? >> is mathematics a thorn in

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they're sayyed. are certified teachers are right to help your son or daughter conquer their fears of reading, writing, arithmetic i'm more. >> and linea, you said this, this voice is your bread and butter. so this is the kind of thing that you might have said, but you didn't actually say these words so the first half of that was me. >> those were the audio files that i delivered to them and i still have those on an external hard drive that we were able to track down once we figured out who they were and when they ordered from us then the second half of the video is the ai version of me. >> that they manipulated. does your child had difficulty reading? is mathematics a thorn in their side are certified teachers. >> that's centered daughter conquer their fears of reading, writing, arithmetic, and more wow. and they mentioned when she delivered these audio assets that they would be used only internally and never public-facing. >> obviously, this does sound a lot like you, but how do you know it's actually your voice? how do you feel confident about that the same company that

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solicit us for our work we delivered audio assets to them and they took those audio assets. >> this is a company that we now know manipulates audio that's delivered to them to clone voices it seems show unbelievably clear to us. >> the couple say they were unaware that their client was lovo who they're now suing in a proposed class action suit. the couple of claims that their voices were quote, stolen by lovo and marketed by lovo under false pretenses, a lawyer representing the company previously denied the claims to the new york times, the ai company did not respond to cnn's requests for comment what was your reaction when you read this news that scarlet johanson were lawyers had sent a letter to openai for a similar situation to what you're now going through i hope scarlett johansson's case can serve as a wake-up call. >> it's happening to everyone no matter where you are on the totem pole, no matter what industry you're involved? then this really i hope is the writing on the wall for anyone

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who doesn't yet believe that this is an issue today all right. >> clare duffy for us, wild story. thanks so much some breaking news dozens or killed in an idf strike near rafah and attack that israeli forces say killed two senior hamas officials now this latest incident could impact hostage talks at your resume this week you're in the cnn newsroom russia is we're trying to spy on us. we were spying on them. >> i was hadi frank this is a war, but secret war, secrets and spies, a nuclear game premieres next sunday at ten on cn, nine out of ten people don't get enough fiber, bene fiber is the easy, gentle solution for every day. >> it's plant-based prebiotic fiber nourishes good bacteria in your gut, working with your body to promote digestive health with so many ways to enjoy joy, bennett fiber is your fiber, your way? >> artificial intelligence is

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transforming agriculture, advancing life-saving healthcare, and strengthening small businesses this game changing technology is supporting every sector of america's economy. today, america leads the world in ai because our companies are investing billions in this new technology but china wants to live leap ahead of america and become the global leader in technology. are leaders in congress need to stand up for innovation and protect america's competitive edge, okay, ready to ask me one second. >> i got it. finished my laundry. >> it's one second. i use rents let's rents to the company that will pick up, wash fold and olivia laundry, dry dry-cleaning at the touch pad and i do not trust other people with my laundry rinse guarantees your satisfaction. i've been using it for months now with no issues okay. let's watch this weight. >> i'm gonna do my laundry. >> better, hurry gun. >> i'll schedule, sign up for rinsing to get $20 off your first order today at

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deal, right now and see how much you can save i'm arlette saenz at the white

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Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

Birthday: 1993-08-23

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Hobby: Web surfing, Scuba diving, Mountaineering, Writing, Sailing, Dance, Blacksmithing

Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.